干货:Describe Image口语机经及答案示范(五)

2019-12-18 来源:www.pteclub.com

作者:PTE考试俱乐部 阅读本文需3分钟



 干货:Describe Image口语机经及答案示范(五)

  在25秒的时间里,对于这么一个两条线的线图,我们首先需要看一下标题,US Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Trends.

  然后看一下这张图的年份区间 也就是 x 线轴 是1970 - 2010.

  接着看一下y线轴,注意一下这里有一个单位, pounds/person/year, 我们一会读的时候可以在标题里全读出来,之后读pounds就可以了,不需要一直重复这么长的单位,很浪费时间。

  然后我们再来看一下,一共有两条线, 第一条vegetables蔬菜,看一下从x线轴1970的时候,它的y线轴是在325到350中间,pte只需要给出一个大概的数字就行了,我们可以说是340,330都行。但是你也不能随便乱给一个不在这325-350间的数字。

  接着,在2010年的时候vegetables到达了大约400左右。第二线 fruit, 1970年的时候大约是240,2010年的时候大约是250.

  接着我们可以说一句预测,不需要什么严谨的预测,给出个大概就ok了。直接套上我们的模板,这张图很明显 vegetables 比fruit要多。

  我们可以说 the number of vegetable is always higher than the number of fruit语速快的同学还可以加一句,选择一条线说它的最高点,我们这里选择说蔬菜这条线,那么它的最高点是2000年大约是425。

  可以说 the number of vegetable reaches the peak in the year 2000 which is 425 pounds.

  最后conclusion,我们可以选一条线套上模板来说,比如 the number of vegetables will keep increasing in the future.


  The following graph gives information about US Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Trends between 1970 to 2010 in terms of pounds/person/year.

  According to the graph, we can see that the number of vegetables has increased during this period from 340 pounds to 400 pounds.

  Follow by that the number of fruit has increased during this period from 240 pounds to 250 pounds

  According to the information we can get from the graph, the number of vegetables is always higher than the number of fruits

  It is clear that the number of vegetable reaches the peak in the year 2000 which is 425 pounds.

  In conclusion, if this trend continues, the number of vegetables will keep increasing in the future



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