
2018-06-08 来源:网络

作者:瑜洲 阅读本文需0分钟

  PTE(Pearson Test of English)Academic 新年酒会在上海举行,小编应邀前往,与PTE官方工作人员及与会各机构做深入交流,带回了一手的PTE Academic信息与大家分享。PTE Academic 即PTE学术英语考试,是由英国培生集团推出的全球性新型英语考试。主要考试目的是为计划出国留学的人士提供英语水平测评。对留学有一定了解的同学应该都知道,在申请国外大学的时候、作为母语非英语国家的学生必须提供相关的英语水平证明,而PTE学术英语考试,以及大家所熟知的托福、雅思,都是这样的语言证明考试。

  PTE学术英语考试虽在国内知名度不高,但就其评分准确度、出题方向和大学接受程度等都具备相当的专业水准。它的母公司培生集团(Pearson Group)本就是英国知名公司,企鹅出版集团(Penguin Group)和著名的金融时报(FT Group)都是其旗下产业,所以PTE 学术也是“名门之后”、是非常正规的考试。




  1. 第一个句子,永远都是讲title。


  This picture compares _______(title)_________.

  没有给出title的,自己总结一下:key words+对比主要时间段。

  比如,第二幅图可以说成:This picture compares the city views in the past and the present.

  第三幅图可以说成:This picture compares fish activities in the day and the night.

  NB: title 句子节奏要快一点,尽量用最精简的几个词讲完,不要拖,因为后面大量重要信息花的时间更多。

  2. 第二句话,我们可以重点讲第一幅对比图。


  On the left side of this photo, it shows ____(subject)______, / The first part of this photo shows_______(subject)__________, from which we can see ________(key features 1, 2, 3 etc.)_______________.

  可以说:On the left side of this photo, it shows the street situation in the 19 century/ 200 years ago, from which we can see there were old buildings, narrow roads and crowds commuting/transporting in the wagons / (horse) carts.

  可以说:On the top of this photo, it shows the city centre view, from which we can see there are many well-designed modern buildings/skyscrapers/architectures for office use.

  可以说:On the left side of this photo, it shows situations in the daytime, from which we can see fish are less abundant and there is more predation happening around the corals.

  3. 第三句话,过渡句子,为下一部分做铺垫。


  By contrast, on the other side (right/at the bottom...), we can see totally/completely/slightly different looks /situations / scenes /views.

  4. 第四句话,说另一半图的主要特点。

  There are (now) ___________(key features 1, 2, 3 etc. )_________________________________.


  5. 结论句子。(NB,通用)

  In general, ______(subject) has changed dramatically over time. / _____ has contrasting features/aspects in different time.


  可以轻松说:In general, London street view has changed dramatically over time.


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