机经讲解:PTE阅读Re-order Paragraphs练习(三)

2020-05-27 来源:www.pteclub.com

作者:PTE考试俱乐部 阅读本文需3分钟

  针对PTE阅读中Re-order Paragraphs题型,第一要熟悉题型,其次就是要看清在题目背后含义。考官和考题的设计者到底想要考察考生的那方面能力,进而只需要针对这部分能力进行训练,就一定可以得到好成绩!


  高度注意代词:比如it, they, these systems, its 等。凡是出现代词的句子一定不是第一句。


  高度注意定冠词the: 一般名词第二次出现就用 所有出现the 的句子除非是固定搭配,一般为至少第二个句子。

机经讲解:PTE阅读Re-order Paragraphs练习(三)

  高度重视时间副词:afterwards, then, after that 等

  注意逻辑连词:as a result, consequently, as a consequence。(一般是作为最后一段)


  a. Clearly, a number of factors have contributed to its remarkable apperance.

  b. The result is a unique story of land clooisions and erosions , and of rising and falling water levels.

  c. experts who have analysed the rock formations say that, histrocially, it goes back nearly 2 billion years.

  d. Anyone who has ever visited the Grand Canyon will agree that it is one of the most incrediable Sights in the world.

  e. The geological processes that have taken place since then are exposed for everyone to see, not hidden beneath vegetation or a fast-flowing water course.

  正确答案: d a c e b

  d. 大致浏览全文能发现文章是在讲一个地质现象没有提到具体名称,只有d出现了the grand canyon,所以为起始段

  a. it's指代the grand canyon的,remarkable apperance和上文中的one of the most incrediable sights呼应,可以判断a在d之后

  c. rock formation和a的remarable appearance呼应,解释了选项中a的remarkable apprance形成时间

  e. geological process指选项中c中的land formation,同时since then对应了date back 2 billion years,所以e在c后

  b. the result和geological联系,解释了e中geological process的结果



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上一篇: 机经讲解:PTE阅读Re-order Paragraphs练习(二)