机经讲解:PTE阅读Re-order Paragraphs练习(六)

2020-06-09 来源:www.pteclub.com

作者:PTE考试俱乐部 阅读本文需3分钟

  PTE阅读考试Re-order Paragraphs排序题,纯阅读题,大家将会看到几个句子,通过拖动这些句子来恢复文本的原始顺序。这一题型会有2-3题;左侧为打乱顺序的文章,要求考生将段落按照正确的顺序拖拽到右侧空白栏中,也可以使用按键来调整上下顺序。评分规则:连续两个前后相邻的句子顺序对了得一分;顺序排错不得分,没有倒扣分。


  1.一定要注意代词:比如it, they, these systems, its 等。


  3.要特别留意定冠词the。 一般名词第二次出现就用 所有出现the 的句子除非是固定搭配,一般为至少第二个句子。

机经讲解:PTE阅读Re-order Paragraphs练习(六)

  4. 高度重视时间副词:afterwards, then, after that 等。

  5. 注意逻辑连词:as a result, consequently, as a consequence。


  A. It was a time when managers had to take a critical look at every aspect of their production process and make improvements where necessary.

  B. As a result, some people believe it is now time to re-assess many companies in terms of the standards they agreed to some years ago.

  C. In the late 1900s, food manufacturers were challenged by the organic community to ensure they were using ingredients that had been produced in natural, healthy ways.

  D. Whether these systems have been maintained seems questionable, particularly as contracts depend so heavily on efficiency and quick sales.

  E. Over the last half-century, organic farming has become a driving force in the world’s food market.



  正确答案:E, C, A, D, B.


  E中,over the last half-century是一个广阔的时间限定, 并且明显是介绍文章段落主题--Organic Farming,所以确定E为起始段。

  C 选项C中,in the 1900s 缩小了时间范围的限定,并且进一步阐述了Organic Farming是为何成为Driving Force的,与上文衔接。

  A It was a time和选项C中的in the 1900s相对应,并且take a critical look也和选项C中的challenged by…相呼应,因此确定选项A是跟在选项C之后的。

  D these systems = 选项A中的improvements,所以可以把D放在A后面。 

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