
2020-10-27 来源

作者:PTE考试俱乐部 阅读本文需3分钟


  “dip a toe in”

  Leaders 板块有一篇讲数字支付系统的,里面讲到苹果公司和谷歌母公司想“涉足”这个领域。

  Tech giants such as Apple and Alphebat are dipping their toes in, tempted by the financial industry's $1.5trn global pool of profits.

  dip是“蘸、浸”,比如吃薯条时蘸点番茄酱,就是这个动作。还有把手伸进热水里试试温度,也是 dip。它的英文释义是to put sth quickly into a liquid and take it out快速地将某物浸入液体中再拿出来,有种试探、尝试的感觉。

  那么dip a toe in字面意思是把脚趾放入某处,能想象到小心翼翼过河的画面,因此 dip a toe in 的意思就是“尝试做、尝试进入”,对应中文的“涉足(某领域)”。比如:

  Universities are dipping their toes in the waters of management education. 各高校开始尝试进入管理教育领域。



  global pool of profits 中的pool是什么意思呢?回顾之前的文章就知道啦:Pool除了可以游泳还能干啥?

  “keep an eye on”

  我们都知道 keep an eye on 是“持续关注”的意思,那如果 eye 前面加上修饰词呢?

  Jamie Dimon, JPmorgan's boss, and others have kept a wary and admiring eye on Ant for years.

  wary是“谨慎的”,admiring 是“仰慕、欣赏”,keep a wary and admiring eye on,不仅表达了摩根大通集团董事长和其他人对蚂蚁集团的关注,还表达出他们对蚂蚁的态度:wary and admiring。


  “red in tooth and claw”


  The last time it pursued individualism red in tooth and claw, social policy was in the hairy hands of men who went to work in longboats.

  red in tooth and claw,可以想象到猛兽张牙舞爪带着血迹的样子,也就是“腥牙血爪”。red in tooth and claw 本用于描述大自然中猛兽撕咬猎物的样子,指大自然的残酷血腥:Nature may be red in tooth and claw.

  现在柯林斯词典给出的释义是:behavingcompetitively and ruthlessly行为激烈而残酷无情。也就是环境残酷,做事手段激烈、极端。

  His intention was to demonstrate that Labour is no longer red in tooth and claw, but a serious and sober political party.他的意图是要证明工党不再是唇枪舌剑,而是一个严肃而清醒的政党。

  那么 pursued individualism red in tooth and claw,就是指十分强烈、极端地追求个人主义。

  句中的 hairy hands of men who went to work in longboats,men 指的应该是 维京时期的海盗,也就是上一次瑞典强烈推行个人主义的时候,社会政策权还掌握在北欧海盗手里(社会还处于海盗时期)。  



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上一篇: 干货:PTE写作句式变换总结