
2018-06-09 来源:网络

作者:瑜洲 阅读本文需0分钟

  PTE学术英语考试融合了听说读写四种考试形式,考试时间为独立的三小时,所有听说读写四项技能的考核均在三小时内完成。考试分为三部分,口语与写作部分、阅读部分和听力部分。通过电脑自动评分,避免人为因素带来的不公正性。总分90分,分为6个分数等级,考试成绩5个工作日内网上可查。 成绩两年内有效。


  在PTE口语考试中,断句是非常重要的一个方面。考试评分系统中没有给出断句的评分,这项评分隐含在oral fluency里,有些人不免疑惑,有时候我说得挺好的呀,一口气不喘,从头说到尾,为何考试分数还是不理想呢?其实错就错在从头一口气说到尾上了。任何native speaker说话,都不可能一个句子从头说到尾不带喘。相反,他们说话是有节奏的,在该停的地方停,该说的地方说。当电脑识别语音的时候,也把断句的间隔识别出来了,这个间隔也隐含在评分标准里。没有间隔,那永远都达不到79分以上。然而断句又是一个难点,应该在什么时候说,什么时候断呢?在这里,小编给大家总结了一些PTE口语技巧,一起来看看吧。


  1. 标点符号前停顿

  这一点就不用讲了吧。举个例子:"If you ask people whether they want to beating or drinking plastic,/ they just say,/ 'No, that's a dumb question,‘/ said Sherri Mason,/ one of study's authors and a chemistry professor at the State University of New York.//

  2. 连接词前停顿

  连接词往往会是并列句(比如 and, or, but)或者是复合句主从之间连接比如although, when, what这些词的前面当然要停顿了。比如:Not for signs of winter’s approach, / although the cold winds are already blowing, / but for the barrel bombs, / mortars and shellfire they know will not distinguish between military targets and their families’ homes. //

  3. 介词前停顿

  在句子短语前面的停顿往往是最明显的。在PTE考试练习中应该形成一种直觉看到 ‘in’啦,’on’啦,‘at’啦就知道此处前面要断句,这也不难,给个例子吧:Severe flooding was reported/ in many other cities and towns /along Florida’s Gulf of Mexico coastline. Flooding also was reported/ in Jacksonvilleon Florida’s eastern Atlantic coast. The storm damaged power lines/ and some building cranes.

  4. “that”前停顿


  Various leaks have indicated the new phone will feature a sharper display, a so-called OLED screen / that will extend from edge to edge of the device, thus eliminating the exterior gap, or "bezel," / that currently surrounds most phone screens.



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