
2018-06-19 来源:网络

作者:鲸鱼 阅读本文需0分钟

  PTE(Pearson Test of English)Academic 新年酒会在上海举行,小编应邀前往,与PTE官方工作人员及与会各机构做深入交流,带回了一手的PTE Academic信息与大家分享。PTE Academic 即PTE学术英语考试,是由英国培生集团推出的全球性新型英语考试。主要考试目的是为计划出国留学的人士提供英语水平测评。对留学有一定了解的同学应该都知道,在申请国外大学的时候、作为母语非英语国家的学生必须提供相关的英语水平证明,而PTE学术英语考试,以及大家所熟知的托福、雅思,都是这样的语言证明考试。



  【错误一】应注意关系代词“which, that, who, whom” 后面的句子不完整(缺主语或宾语),而关系副词“where, when, why” 后面的句子必定完整。

  eg. People like shopping on the boxing day when can buy fashionable commodities at low cost.(错误)


  改正:People like shopping on the boxing day, when they can buy fashionable commodities at low cost.

  【错误二】从属连词(because,although, that等),一定要连接两个句子才可以。

  eg.Because it is not serious. Many countries do not take any real countermeasure.(错误,becuase 引导的是一个从句,缺少一个主句)。

  eg.Some countries are not able to solve environmental problems, although these countries have realized these problems. (错误,although 引导的是一个从句,缺少一个主句)

  【错误三】People like to think that being on a diet is healthy, however, there is considerable evidence to the contrary.


  改正: People like to think that being on a diet is healthy; however, there is considerable evidence to the contrary.

  【错误四】Many children have little knowledge of what their need and whether products meet theirs needs.

  错误原因:their 应该改为they, 充当从句的主语。theirs 应该改成their, 充当needs 的定语。

  【错误五】有些副词是不可以直接连接句子的,比如however, therefore, otherwise, thus, hence.


  He studied hard; therefore, he passed the exam.(使用分号+therefore)

  He studied hard. Therefore, he passed the exam(这样是两个句子)

  He studied hard, so he passed the exam.(so是连词)

  He studied hard, and therefore, he passed the exam.(and 是连词)


  eg. Tourism has instead of agriculture as the main industry in many places.

  错误原因: instead of 是介词词组,不能做谓语动词。

  改正:Tourism has replaced agriculture as the main industry in many places.


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上一篇: PTE考试中RO如何提高分数?