
2018-07-07 来源:网络

作者:天使之心 阅读本文需0分钟

  在PTE考试中,语法和时态也是一个重要的考点。尤其是在Writing的部分,能否使用formal English writing来进行写作是考试考察的一个要点。对于中文母语的学生来说,英文的时态毋庸置疑的是一个难点。如何使用正确的时态精准的表达自己的意思,也是decent English的一个要求。PTE小编今天给大家整理了PTE考试中报名需要注意的相关事项,在这里分享给大家,希望带给备考的同学一些帮助!


  错误一 一个句子中有多个动词

  错例:Students receive job training can become competitive in the labour market;

  这个句子中出现了两个动词, receive 和 can become. 注意一个句子中应该有且只有一个谓语动词。


  Students who receive job training can become competitive in the labour market;

  Students can become competitive in the labour market if they receive skills training.

  错误二 There be 句型中谓语没有随其后名词改变

  错例:There is a number of countries which know that they will soon be underwater if global warming is permitted to continue.


  这里There be 结构中的主语是countries, 所以谓语动词要用are.

  改正:There are a number of countries which know that they will soon be underwater if global warming is permitted to continue.

  错误三 主谓不一致


  例如:Thomas Edison, one of the most distinguished scientists, is a brilliant inventor.这里在写完第二个逗号的时候,就应该回过头来看看主语Thomas Edison是单数的第三人称,而不能被插入成分中的scientists所蒙蔽。所以这里的谓语要用is 而不是are.

  错例:Cardiopathy, coupled with poor diet, lead to severe diabetes.

  这就话中主语为cardiopathy, 谓语应该为单三形式。

  改正:Cardiopathy, coupled with poor diet, leads to severe diabetes.

  错误四 不及物动词和系动词写了被动语态

  happen, appear, disappear, rise, emerge, occur, take place 这些词都没有被动语态

  错例:The accident was similar to the one that was happened last year;

  改正:The accident was similar to the one that happened last year.

  错误五 丢失冠词

  错例:A part-time job offers you chance to demonstrate your ability and apply what you have learned in school.

  改正:A part-time job offers you a chance to demonstrate your ability and apply what you have learned in school.

  错误六 词性混淆

  错例:A large number of people hold the believe that students' social activities should be the first priority.

  改正:A large number of people hold the belief that students' social activities should be the first priority.




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