
2018-07-05 来源:网络

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  Some employers involve their workers indecision making of products and services. What are the advantages anddisadvantages of this action.


  Company’s top-level authorities shouldget their employees in decision-making process. Discuss.






  开头段:Every coin has two sides and both the prosand cons will be discussed in this essay.


  Topicsentence: Empowerment will increase arrogance and it is also time-consuming

  Supporting sentence: fromgathering the latest news to entertaining us after tedious work, fromconnecting families and friends in faraway continents to educating us throughdistant learning;


  However,the merits brought by empowerment is also not ignorable.


  Topic sentence: first-hands/hands-onexperience on the company’s offering;

  Supporting sentence: enables themto view some problems from other angles/perspectives and give more practicaland viable solutions.


  Topic sentence: thispractice may break the leader-follower mindset with trust an的communication

  Supporting sentence:improve morale, increase/boost motivation and enthusiasm for the positionthrough autonomy of tasks, feel ownership about their goals, more self-disciplinedand intrinsic rewards, sense of responsibility

  Example: recentresearch, lower turnover/higher retention rate


  开头段:Empowerment is undoubtedly a process to engagelower-level employees in decision making processes regarding products andservices. However, there is another opinion claiming that the practice of empowermentis detrimental to the efficiency and productivity of the business concerned. Asfar as I am concerned, every coin has two sides and both the pros and cons willbe discussed in this essay.


  表达好处和坏处的词汇:merits(好处),drawbacks/shortcomings(坏处),detrimental (对。。。有害)

  开篇就告诉读者两个方面都会阐述:Both the pros and cons will be discussed in this essay.



  Some employers involve their workers indecision making of products and services. What are the advantages anddisadvantages of this action.


  Company’s top-level authorities shouldget their employees in decision-making process. Discuss.





  开头段:Every coin has two sides and both the prosand cons will be discussed in this essay.


  Topicsentence: Empowerment will increase arrogance and it is also time-consuming

  Supporting sentence: fromgathering the latest news to entertaining us after tedious work, fromconnecting families and friends in faraway continents to educating us throughdistant learning;


  However,the merits brought by empowerment is also not ignorable.


  Topic sentence: first-hands/hands-onexperience on the company’s offering;

  Supporting sentence: enables themto view some problems from other angles/perspectives and give more practicaland viable solutions.


  Topic sentence: thispractice may break the leader-follower mindset with trust an的communication

  Supporting sentence:improve morale, increase/boost motivation and enthusiasm for the positionthrough autonomy of tasks, feel ownership about their goals, more self-disciplinedand intrinsic rewards, sense of responsibility

  Example: recentresearch, lower turnover/higher retention rate


  开头段:Empowerment is undoubtedly a process to engagelower-level employees in decision making processes regarding products andservices. However, there is another opinion claiming that the practice of empowermentis detrimental to the efficiency and productivity of the business concerned. Asfar as I am concerned, every coin has two sides and both the pros and cons willbe discussed in this essay.


  表达好处和坏处的词汇:merits(好处),drawbacks/shortcomings(坏处),detrimental (对。。。有害)

  开篇就告诉读者两个方面都会阐述:Both the pros and cons will be discussed in this essay.

  主体段:Admittedly, empowerment will increasearrogance and it is also time-consuming. As aconsequence, it risks to be counterproductive for the topmanagement to make a decision, delay decision making process and miss someprecious time for marketing campaign.

  However, the merits brought by empowerment isalso not ignorable. Firstly, front-linestaffs should be encouraged to participate in the decision making processbecause of their first-hands/hands-on experience on the company’s offerings,which enables them to view some problems from other angles/perspectives andgive more practical and viable solutions.Besides, it is worthy to note that hands-onexperience processed by staffs are usually not possessed by top management. Secondly,this practice may break the leader-follower mindset with trust andcommunication which authorize workers to think, behave and make decisions andtake actions autonomously through the sharing of power, information andrewards. As a result, it will improve morale,increase/boost motivation and enthusiasm for the position through autonomyof tasks, feel ownership about their goals, more self-disciplinedand intrinsic rewards, sense of responsibility. Accordingto a recent research, this practice has been confirmed to attract lowerturnover/higher retention rate, higher employee satisfaction and reduced employeestress.





  举例子:Accordingto a recent research


  In conclusion, There is no doubt thatempowerment serves as an importanttool for senior managers to make full use of the human potentials. Therefore, managers should balanceall the possibilities given theabovementioned points.

  点评:总结中可增加对反对观点的强调,用上There is no doubt that 商业类文章万用总结:balance all the possibilities (多方面考虑平衡各项因素)


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