PTE双语阅读:Muffled signals 模糊的信号

2018-07-26 来源:网络

作者:晴雯 阅读本文需0分钟


  Sovereign credit-default swaps

  Muffled signals

  Jun 11th 2009 | WASHINGTON, DC

  From The Economist print edition

  Credit derivatives on countries are behaving oddly

PTE双语阅读:Muffled signals 模糊的信号

  GOVERNMENTS in the rich world are announcing record-breaking deficits and their credit ratings are under threat. Yet the market that should be most worried is not. An index of credit-default-swap (CDS) spreads on the seven biggest rich economies maintained by Credit Derivatives Research (CDR), a research outfit, has widened in recent weeks, but still signals half the risk it did in February, before the full scale of the damage to public finances became clear (see chart). The trend holds true even for Britain, which is threatened with a credit-rating downgrade, and Ireland, which on June 8th suffered its second sovereign downgrade in three months.

  Dave Klein at CDR admits to being puzzled by the trend. He reckons that investors associate sovereign-default risk with overall financial risk because governments now backstop so much of the system. When America bailed out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the country’s two big mortgage agencies, its CDS spreads widened sharply. Conversely, a recovering economy means fewer bank failures, so government balance-sheets are less likely to be strained by bail-outs.

  Sovereign CDSs are in any case harder to interpret than corporate CDSs. Rich-country defaults are extremely rare (emerging markets, less so) which makes it difficult for investors to estimate how much they would recover in bankruptcy, a key determinant in CDS pricing. Moreover, payouts on the swaps are triggered in different ways. A corporation generally has a grace period on its debt payments before a credit event is declared and protection is paid off. Governments have no such grace period. If America is 30 seconds late, a credit event is declared, says Mr Klein. Sovereign CDSs also tend be priced in dollars—except for swaps on America’s debt, which are priced in euros—so currency risk blurs things too.

  Sovereign CDS volumes have held up better than other parts of the market. According to figures from the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) the number of contracts and the notional value of derivatives on some 60 sovereign borrowers have generally held steady or grown a bit faster than the overall CDS market.

  But most of this activity remains concentrated on emerging markets like Turkey, Brazil, Russia and Mexico. For rich countries, the amounts at stake are minuscule. DTCC puts the notional value of CDS contracts on American debt at $9 billion, barely 0.1% of the total amount of publicly held debt. The value of sovereign CDSs is just 6% of all CDSs, according to the Bank for International Settlements. Clues to the rickety state of public finances are better found elsewhere.







PTE双语阅读:Muffled signals 模糊的信号



  信用衍生品研究机构(CDR)的Dave Klein承认他对这一趋势感到困惑。他认为由于政府如今对于金融系统做了如此多的增援支持,投资者会将主权违约风险和总体金融风险联系起来。当美国对国内最大的两家房屋抵押贷款机构房利美和房地美实行救市计划时,其信用违约掉期的利差迅速扩大。反之,经济复苏意味着更少的银行倒闭事件,因此政府的资产负债表被救市计划拖累的可能性也就越小。


  主权信用违约掉期交易量的维持要好于市场中的其他产品,根据美国证券托管清算公司(Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation)提供的数字,基于大约60个主权国家借款的衍生品的合约数和名义价值基本上与信用违约掉期整体市场维持相对稳定,或增速略高于整体市场。


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