PTE写作Write Essay 套用模板的套路详解

2018-12-17 来源

作者:PTE考试俱乐部 阅读本文需3分钟

PTE的大作文其实是一个相当容易得分的地方了,主要是因为相对于其他的考试,PTE的写作是可以完全套用模板的,至少掌握3-5个模板,几乎就有很大的可能在PTE考试Write Essay 部分获得高分。


有这样一个模板被用了无数次,几乎每个人written discourse和grammar小分都是高分!

PTE写作Write Essay



而并且,grammar & written discourse的分数刷~刷~刷~就上去了。



These days, there is an ongoing debate about (主要争论点). While it is possible to claim that (让步), my view is that (自己的观点). In this essay, I would explain my point of view by analyzing both sides of the argument.

First paragraph:

On the one hand, there are several solid reasons why (中心词、词组、短语) are considered to be advantageous. One of them is that (第一正面论点). Also, it should be taken into account that (第二正面论点). Moreover, it can also be argued that (第三正面论点,根据字数选择删加).

Second paragraph:

On the other hand, those who argue against (中心词、词组、短语) hold a different view. Firstly, it is claimed that (第一反面论点) Then, there are concerns about (第二反面论点).


In conclusion, while there are strong arguments on both sides of the case, I firmly believe that (自己的观点,区别于第一段,换一种方式表述).


In education system, assessment through formal written examination still valid?

These days, there is an ongoing debate about (whether written exams still valid or not). While it is possible to claim that (written tests are not always the best way to assess learning), my view is that (this evaluation method still needs to be adopted). In this essay, I shall explain my point of view by analyzing both sides of the argument.

On the one hand, there are several solid reasons why (written exams) are considered to be advantageous. One of them is that (formal written exams are the most effective and efficient way to evaluate students’ learning progress on a regular basis). Also, it should be taken into account that (sometimes written exams can create competition among test-takers, which would push them to do their best).

On the other hand, those who argue against (written exams) hold a different view. Firstly, it is claimed that (exams are likely to be biased because they only judge a students’ ability under set conditions and limited time). Then, there are concerns about (the stress caused by written exams, which will damage a student’s mental health).

In conclusion, while there are strong arguments on both sides of the case, I firmly believe that (written examination is still an indispensable part of the current education system).


1. 写到200字出头就好,写到250+纯粹是折磨自己,不但不多给分,反而会增加出错的几率。

2. PTE大作文写作一共20分钟的时间,尽可能在15分钟左右写完,然后检查一下拼写。

3. 替换一些出现频率较高的词,避免大范围出现重复的词汇。

4. 打字速度一定要提高,千万不要别人盲打不看键盘,咱们盲打不看屏幕。


和雅思不同的是,PTE的题库非常有限,原题重现几率极高。所以只要将真题库里的题目都看一遍,将main ideas罗列出来,问题就迎刃而解了。

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