
2019-06-19 来源

作者:PTE考试俱乐部 阅读本文需3分钟

  Describe Image作为PTE口语部分的独特题型,让众多第一次接触PTE的学生十分慌张。在PTE的口语考试中,对分数影响最大的便是fluency(流利度)。

  对于PTE的评分机器来说,一个不流利的答案,内容再好也无法获得高分。而DI里,恰恰最头疼的也是流利度。DI题型丰富,内容多变,有些没见过的image会让学生一下“哑火”,不知从何说起,导致流利分大幅下降,与4个7 或者4个8的梦想失之交臂。



  第一句话也就是introduction,我们看一下标题是annual sunshine hours for France,也就是法国一年的日照时间,标题简单的套进模版念出来就好了。

  接着第二句,我们先讲上面,可以看到上面主要是白色,相对应的数据是less than 1750 hours,这张图需要注意的一点是要读好这些数字。

  第三句,我们看一下地图的下面主要是红色,相对应的数据是more than 2750 hours.接着可以说左边的,可以看到橘色,对应是数据是2250 to 2500 hours.

  剩下的右边的,主要是黄色,对应的数据是 1750 to 2000 hours.

  最后是conclusion,只需要用模版的做一个简单的conclusion就可以了,我们可以说In conclusion, this picture is very impressive就可以了。

  但是如果你的时间还剩一点,那么我们可以在结尾加一句possible development,因为我们可以看到这张图很明显黄色的部分较多。


  The following picture gives information about annual sunshine hours for France.

  According to the picture we can see that, at the top of the picture, there is a white area, which is less than 1750 hours.

  Followed by that, at the bottom of the picture, there is a red area, which is more than 2750 hours.

  On the left side of the picture, there is an orange area, which is 2250 to 2500 hours.

  On the right side of the picture, there is a yellow area, which is 1750 to 2000 hours.

  In conclusion, this picture is very impressive,if the trend continues, the number of yellow areas will keep increasing in the future.



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